All Storm Drains Inc. | Grease Trap 101 via

All Storm Drains Inc. Grease Traps All Storm Drains Inc | Grease traps range in size. Anywhere from large commercial grease separators that have over a few thousand gallons in capacity. Down to smaller kitchen systems that can be recessed flush to the floor. They can fit under commercial sinks as well. All grease traps have solid bottoms. Grease traps have an outlet pipe and an inlet pipe separated by one or more baffle walls. These walls allow for the sorting of floating grease and other kitchen waste. These baffle walls allow for water to flow above certain baffles and below other baffles. This staggering process traps solids and sludges on the bottom of the grease trap as well as the top. When the grey water exits the outlet pipe after the baffle or baffles. It is then conveyed by pipe to either a leaching pool, a cesspool, or a sewer system. On Long Island grease systems typically ...