Cost Difference Between a Laundry Drain & Storm Water Drain | All Storm Drains Inc. | Long Island NY

The Best Storm Drain Repair Company On Long Island Email: George@AllStormDrai Phone: 516.825.1010 Fax: 631.475.2898 General Storm Drain Cleaning Costs Storm Drain Cleaning costs can be very costly depending on the severity of the situation. Costs can vary depending on the type and size of drainage system and cause of clog. Storm drains need cleaning when the catch basin is half-full or when flooding occurs in the yard, driveway, streets, or basement after a rainstorm. Catch Basins can flow directly to a sump, brook, creek, river, lake, bay, and sometimes right to the ocean. It is not uncommon to find used engine oil, antifreeze, and other common solvents and toxins inside of catch basins. I have also found animals stuck in these drains, bullfrogs, a snake, big turtles, fish, and crawfish. I even found my cat Stormy, he was less than two months old stuck in a storm drain. Keeping toxins out of Catch Basins and stor...