
Showing posts with the label Environmental Services Long Island New York

Drainage Systems | All Storm Drains Inc.

Drainage System Maintenance Tips Attempting to fix your drainage system is the last thing you want to be doing in the middle of a downpour. A single puddle that refuses to drain can cause permanent damage to your landscape or garden. In order to prevent this, you need to properly maintain your garden drainage system. Maintaining your  drainage system  in addition to your garden may seem daunting, so here are some drainage system maintenance tips to make the process a little bit easier. Unclog Your Drains Regularly If puddles are starting to form in spots where they didn’t occur previously, your drains may need to be cleaned. After a period of time without maintenance, it’s common for drainage systems to get clogged up with leaves, grass, and other debris. If clogged drains are the reason for the puddles in your garden, here are some things you should do. First, make sure you wear safety equipment if you don't commission All Storm Drains Inc. to professionally address your st...

Storm Water Drainage Best Practices | All Storm Drains Inc.

  What Are Storm Water Drainage Best Practices? Best management practices are physical, structural, and managerial practices that prevent or reduce the contamination of a drain. The proper design and siting of a storm water drainage well minimizes the likelihood of accidental or routine contamination resulting from either poor operational practices or misuse.  There are five general categories for storm water drainage well best practices that can be implemented alone or in combination.  The five general categories relate to:  Siting  Design Operation & Maintenance Education & Outreach Proper Closure (plugging and abandonment)  The appropriateness and effectiveness of best management practices vary according to the type, design, setting, and operation of the well. Consult  All Storm Drains Inc.  for more information. Why Does The EPA Regulate Storm Water Drainage Wells? The Safe Drinking Water Act requires that EPA protect USDWs ...

Drainage System Maintenance |

  Drainage System Maintenance As a consequence of its function, the storm water conveyance system collects and transports urban runoff that may contain certain pollutants. Maintaining  Catch Basins , storm water inlets , and other storm water conveyance structures on a regular basis will remove pollutants, prevent clogging of the downstream conveyance system, restore  Catch Basins ’ sediment trapping capacity, and ensure the system functions properly hydraulically to avoid flooding .  Suggested Protocols For Catch Basins/Inlet Structures Regularly Inspect Facilities To Ensure The Following:    Immediate repair of any deterioration threatening structural integrity.   Cleaning before the sump is 40% full. Catch Basins should be cleaned as frequently as needed to meet this standard.  Stenciling of  Catch Basins  and inlets (see SC-75 Waste Handling and Disposal).  Clean  Catch Basins , storm drain inlets, and other conveya...

All Storm Drains Inc. | Catch Basin Professional Repair & Services

All Storm Drains Inc. Catch Basins  often referred to as Storm Drains, essentially catch rainwater, dirt, and floatable debris. Floatable Debris can be organic and inorganic materials. Examples of organic material leaves, sticks, soil, and grass. Examples of inorganic material are things like plastic bottles, coffee cup lids, Styrofoam or extruded polystyrene foam, cigarettes, even car parts. There are metal hoods that cover the outflow pipes. This keeps most foreign material in the catch basin. Now some older catch basins dont have hoods on the pipes going to other drainage structures which allow floatables to escape the catch basin and infiltrate other structures such as dry wells, inverts, head walls, sewer systems.  Catch Basins  can flow directly to a sump, brook, creek, river, lake, bay, and sometimes right to the ocean. It is not uncommon to find used engine oil, antifreeze, and other common solvents and toxins inside of cat... | High Pressure Water Jetting Professional Services

High Pressure Water Jetting All Storm Drains Inc. ALL STORM DRAINS INC. HIGH PRESSURE WATER JETTING SERVICES High Pressure Water Jetting  is an advanced method of pipe cleaning that has been used in the drain industry for a long time. When water is compressed to create pressure through a pump. The  high pressure water   is sent through a hose with a nozzle threaded at the far end, also called a jet head. Where the water is forced through small ports that are faced backwards. These ports force the water to propel the nozzle and hose forward. Simultaneously the ports also known as jets will scour debris backwards when the hose is dragged out of the pipe with the  high pressure water pump  turned on. This  pipe cleaning  method can be used on small 1-1/2" pipe up to 36" pipe or larger with the use of specialty pumps, skids, hose, and nozzle design. There are different size  Pipe Jetting  machines for just about every applicati...

All Storm Drains Inc. Environmental Services | Headquarters 516.825.1010 | Office Contact

Environmental Services All Storm Drains Inc. | Headquarters 516.825.1010 | Office Contact Google Maps Below: 454 North Corona Avenue, Valley Stram, New York, 11581 All Storm Drains Inc. proudly services & manages storm revovery in the Nassau & Suffolk County, Long Island, New York areas. We ensure all environmental, drainage, cesspool, and septic services are met by our customer's standards, and industry guidelines. We are a commercial & industrial sewer & drain company. We Proudly Services the Nassau County & Suffolk County, Long Island Area's Storm Water Management Needs.'s-Cesspool-and-Septic.html ALL STORM DRAINS INC. OTHER SERVICES WE PERFORM: ·         • Sewer & Drain Service/Connections ·         • Pipe & Sewer Line Repair/Replacement ·    ...