Storm Water Drainage Best Practices | All Storm Drains Inc.
What Are Storm Water Drainage Best Practices? Best management practices are physical, structural, and managerial practices that prevent or reduce the contamination of a drain. The proper design and siting of a storm water drainage well minimizes the likelihood of accidental or routine contamination resulting from either poor operational practices or misuse. There are five general categories for storm water drainage well best practices that can be implemented alone or in combination. The five general categories relate to: Siting Design Operation & Maintenance Education & Outreach Proper Closure (plugging and abandonment) The appropriateness and effectiveness of best management practices vary according to the type, design, setting, and operation of the well. Consult All Storm Drains Inc. for more information. Why Does The EPA Regulate Storm Water Drainage Wells? The Safe Drinking Water Act requires that EPA protect USDWs ...