Storm Drain Professional Services | Nassau County, South Shore, Long Island, NY

All Storm Drains Inc. | Storm Drain Professional Services STORM DRAIN REPAIR The Best STORM DRAIN REPAIR Company in The South Shore, Long Island, NY Email: George@AllStormDrai Phone: 516.825.1010 Fax: 631.475.2898 South Shore, Nassau County, Long Island, NY storm drains receive water from street gutters on most motorways, freeways, and other busy state parkways. Storm Drains in Nassau County, Long Island also receive water from local towns in areas with heavy rainfall that leads to flooding, and coastal areas of Nassau County, Long Island, NY with regular storms like Long Beach, Massapequa, and Merrick to name a few. Even gutters from houses and buildings can connect to the storm drain. Many storm drainage systems in Nassau County are gravity sewers that drain untreated storm water into rivers or streams. Due to Environmental concerns and respect for nature in general, it is unacceptable to pour hazardous substances into the drains. St...