Tropical Storm Isaias & Long Island Storm Drain Cleaning |

Tropical Storm Isaias Wreaks Havoc on Long Island AllStormDrainsInc. Tropical Storm Isaias blew into Long Island with strong winds Tuesday 10/27/20 that left more than 400,000 homes and businesses without power, blocked roads with downed trees, and prompted the Long Island Rail Road to suspend service. Storm water management emergency personnel from All Storm Drains Inc. have been ready to tackle the daunting task of Mother Nature's fury to keep the Dry Wells , Catch Basins , and Sewers of Nassau County & Suffolk County Long Island clear from blockages. All Storm Drain Inc. is a licensed and insured company that has grown to a successful business throughout the Suffolk County area for three key reasons: Honesty Professionalism Superior Service What separates us from our Suffolk County competitors is that we aim to focus on quality service and customer satisfaction while building a “one to one” personal relationship with each of our clients...