Drainage System Maintenance | AllStormDrains.com
Drainage System Maintenance
As a consequence of its function, the storm water conveyance system collects and transports urban runoff that may contain certain pollutants. Maintaining Catch Basins, storm water inlets, and other storm water conveyance structures on a regular basis will remove pollutants, prevent clogging of the downstream conveyance system, restore Catch Basins’ sediment trapping capacity, and ensure the system functions properly hydraulically to avoid flooding.
Suggested Protocols For Catch Basins/Inlet Structures
Regularly Inspect Facilities To Ensure The Following:
- Immediate repair of any deterioration threatening structural integrity.
- Cleaning before the sump is 40% full. Catch Basins should be cleaned as frequently as needed to meet this standard.
- Stenciling of Catch Basins and inlets (see SC-75 Waste Handling and Disposal).
- Clean Catch Basins, storm drain inlets, and other conveyance structures in high pollutant load areas just before the wet season to remove sediments and debris accumulated during the summer.

- Conduct inspections more frequently during the wet season for problem areas where sediment or trash accumulates more often. Clean and repair as needed.
- Keep accurate logs of the number of Catch Basins cleaned.
- Record the amount of waste collected.
- Store wastes collected from cleaning activities of the drainage system in appropriate containers or temporary storage sites in a manner that prevents discharge to the storm drain.
- Drain the wastes with outflow into the sanitary sewer if permitted. Water should be treated with an appropriate filtering device prior to discharge to the sanitary sewer. If discharge to the sanitary sewer is not allowed, water should be pumped or vacuumed to a tank and properly disposed of. Do not drain near a storm drain or stream.
- Except for small communities with relatively few catch basins that may be cleaned manually, most municipalities will require mechanical cleaners such as vacuums, or bucket loaders.
- Locate reaches of storm drain with deposit problems and develop a flushing schedule that keeps the pipe clear of excessive buildup.
- Collect flushed effluent and pump to the sanitary sewer for treatment.
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